Many people are changing quickly because this generation is going really fast and everything has changed. People can’t follow this world that changes so rapidly. The world we are living in changes so quickly that when the cost of living rises, taxes follow behind, and there are more instances of corruption. The natural environment also changes and is being ruined so rapidly. We are living in a world where it is really difficult to get our outward man together. In such a situation, our outward man thinks that he is always just losing things. This generation is “the age of uncertainty” as a famous economist said. There is no one who is not influenced by this uncertainty. So, they feel uneasy about their futures, and try to eliminate that uneasiness. But it isn’t easy to be freed from such uneasiness.
We usually feel uneasy when things concerning our outward man don’t turn out well. But, even if things go well for our outward man, won’t they perish when this world is destroyed? Our outward man will also be destroyed. Therefore, our inward man must prosper first. Our outward man is only necessary temporarily while we live in this world now; it is never eternal.
Your inward man is your soul. God made us living people by breathing the breath of life into our nostrils, and He made our souls into lives that do not perish. God made us as existences that never die; but if a soul has sin, it will be eternally destroyed in hell. (Romans 6:23)
Jesus Christ came to us in order to abide with us. That is, He came to us in order to save us from all our sins. He is also the Creator who created the entire universe. Jesus Christ who is the true God came to our souls and saved us.
Jesus is God Himself who, to save the mankind, came to this earth in the form of a man, took all our sin through His baptism, received all the punishment of our sins in our place, and thus completed His work of delivering the mankind from sin.
(Matthew 3:15, 1 Peter 3:21)
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