Among people, there are two kinds of sinners: One kind is the people who actually commit many sins and the other kind is the people who commit sin only with their hearts. Then, what kind of person is the real sinner in God’s eyes? Among us humans, we say that people who commit sins with their actions are real sinners. However, God does not say it like that. God considers them all alike whether they have sinned with their actions or whether they have sinned just with their hearts. Jesus said, “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).
It means they are all the same whether they have actually committed adultery or whether they have committed adultery just in their imagination.You and I must acknowledge we are sinners all alike whether we have sinned much or not. All people are sinners before the presence of God. However, Jesus took all the sins of all sinners upon Himself though the baptism at the Jordan River, received the judgment on the Cross, and saved all humankind from sin perfectly.