"From God’s standpoint, God has already saved us from all our sins. Now it is our turn to have faith in believing God’s love and salvation from our standpoint. Those who believe that the Lord saved them through the water and the Spirit and that God is the Truth, Light, Love, and the justice will be transformed to the image of God, and those who like the Devil better and do not believe in the Truth will become like the Devil. Therefore all the privilege of choice depends on you.
God told Adam not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and warned that he would surely die if he ate the fruit. The Book of Genesis records that there was a tree of life and a
tree of knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the Garden of Eden Adam lived in, and therefore Adam just had to eat the fruit from the tree of life and live forever. And God wanted that, too.
But God gave the privilege of choice to humanity in order to make us the true children of God. However, Adam eventually ate the fruit that God told him not to eat. It was Adam who made the choice even though Satan the Devil tempted him. It was Adam’s choice. Our fate changes in this manner depending on our choice.
Matters in this world are like that, too. People's life changes depending on the choices we make. What are the things you like and dislike? We make the choices according to the desires of our hearts. Therefore, everything will turn out good if you like upright things and everything will turn out badly if you do not like the upright things. Everything depends on the choice. It depends on the choices in our hearts and not on our deeds.
So I think of some things as another year passes by. One year is a short time compared to the eternal time that God has put before us. Next year comes after this year passes, and the following year will come after next year passes. We just put meaning to each year from the aspect of work, but there is not much meaning to making distinction in time. We eat, work, and sleep this day and we eat, work, and sleep the next day, and our life repeats everyday and there is nothing more to it. What is there to our life when our life ends on the passing time? God has saved us eternally from sin through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. So, receiving the remission of sin by truly believing in this true gospel is all that gives meaning to our life."
Rev Paul C Jong
All we humans were born with 12 kinds of sins and therefore can only commit sin till the day we die. We have broken every single one of God's commandments, incapable of keeping them, and are thus deserving of and destined to hell according to God’s just Law that says, "The wages of sin is death."
God is so holy and He hates sin so much that He was willing to send His Son into this world to expunge all our sins. Thus, God sent His Son, our Lord, to this world, who received the baptism from John the Baptist by which all the sins of humanity were transferred onto Himself. Also, God had His Son receive all the judgments accorded to all our sins by being crucified to His death on the Cross. That was the gift of salvation, which is the love of God.
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