Loren Simons(Loren) ∙United Kingdom
New Life
Today 79 / Total 127144-
God`s IQ is Infinite
God’s thinking is way beyond our thinking because His IQ is infinite while ours is only 100 to 200 and He Himself is the Truth. How perfect is He? Jesus left the throne of Heaven and was born from the body of the virgin Mary to clothe Himself with human flesh in order to save humanity from all their sins. He took all our sins upon Him by receiving
12 dayviews 236 comments 0 -
No one knows when this world will disappear. We don’t know when new heavens and a new earth will arrive. We don’t know exactly when our Lord will return. However, what is clear is that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and it is our Lord who made this earth, created mankind, and blotted out all the sins of this earth. Heb
18 dayviews 180 comments 0 -
Only Jesus can save you ????
According to the Law of God, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). The gift of God, in contrast, is eternal life in our Lord. Your life cannot be saved by the sacrifice of another man’s life, but it can be saved only by the sacrifice of the far more precious life of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus said, “Those who are well have no need of a physic
29 dayviews 208 comments 0 -
Believing in Jesus without the baptism that Jesus received is worthless
Believing in Jesus without the baptism that Jesus received is worthless. Everyone should believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit exactly as it is. Every single person suffers from sin committed from the heart, sin committed through our actions, and sin people are born with. It is useless to believe only in the blood no matter how ferventl
37 dayviews 272 comments 0 -
God Loves Your Soul.
God loves your soul. That’s why Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist to accept the sins of the world. He died on the Cross, rose from the dead again, and has thereby become your Savior. For you to escape from the curse of eternal death, there is no other way but to believe in the righteousness of God. If you believe in God’s righteousness,
50 dayviews 294 comments 0