Brenda Tembo(Brenda Tembo) ∙Zambia
You must first meet John the Baptist to truly believe in the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Today 37 / Total 72122-
We can all please our Lord with our faith in the God-given gospel Word of the water and the Spirit. Is this not the case? Because we believe in the righteousness of Jesus Christ our Savior, we are more than able to please our Lord always. Through your faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, you can overcome any wickedness coming out of you
381 dayviews 2922 comments 0 -
As those who believe in and follow the gospel of the water and the Spirit, if we ever defile our hearts with the wickedness of our flesh, we must confess our sins by faith in the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit, trusting that our Lord has blotted out all these sins as well, and we must look toward Him by believing in His righteousness with
382 dayviews 3438 comments 0 -
We are often ruled by the evil thoughts of our flesh in our daily lives. Despite this, we can still follow our Lord by believing in the true gospel of the water and the Spirit that has blotted out our sins once and for all. We have the duty to run the race of faith tirelessly, fearing the Lord and looking toward His exaltedness and wholeness. Of co
382 dayviews 3348 comments 0 -
There is nothing that is more pleasing to God than our souls uniting with Wisdom, because of her beauty no evil nor any plots of the enemy can overcome her. All good things done by the righteous are the results of Wisdom`s work. All the valuable things that life in the world cannot offer us like understanding of God`s word, the preaching of the gos
389 dayviews 2880 comments 0 -
We must give, just as we have received.
Our God is telling us as His believers in the gospel truth of the water and Spirit, that we must spread the gospel to all the earth just as we have freely received it. Because as believers sometimes we have a attendance of just wanting to be receiving God`s blessing minus preaching His righteousness, such a notion is impossible to be achieved. God
403 dayviews 2986 comments 0